An Open Letter From The CEO: Striving to Protect You Against the Uncertainties of Life
We continually and tirelessly strive to protect you against the uncertainties of life by using an array of conservative income strategies to help stave off investment depletion while growing your savings so that you can live comfortably – the way you pictured retirement to be.
We take a multi-prong approach that is not rooted in products or trends, but in a well-thought out, financial strategy that takes into your account your specific and unique needs. No two plans are exactly alike as the assets, portfolio options and allotments are all custom-tailored to you and your particular requirements and circumstances.
Warm regards,
Rem Oculee
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a fee for the consultation?
No fees. We believe in first educating you so that you can make informed decisions.
To set up a meeting, click here.
To set up a phone conversation, click here.
How do I best avoid losing money in the stock market?
There is always the risk of losing money when investing in the stock market. One can never completely rule out risk; however, risk can be minimized and controlled to a certain degree. There are investments that are less risky and are more geared to protecting principal. Your Confidence Wealth Advisor can advise you of these types of conservative investments/strategies and can help develop an asset protection plan that is in line with your retirement income goals.
To get more information, click here or call (310) 824-1000 today.
Let us put together a comprehensive financial plan specifically tailored to your circumstances, lifestyle retirement goals and risk profile.
How can Confidence Wealth help me as a business owner?
We can help you develop a highly competitive benefits and retirement package which will help you attract and retain the best employees. We can advise you on a number of products for that package, such as pension plans and life insurance. We have the tools to help you grow your company by helping you retain your number one asset – your employees. Call us today at (310) 824-1000.
Is my current retirement plan adequate?
In order to answer that question, we need to take a look at your retirement goals, how much you are contributing on a regular basis and the time left until you retire. Current income isn’t as much a primary factor as the other factors. By taking a look at your current portfolio and the other investments (if any) in place, we can then ascertain the viability of your current plan and recommend any changes that may better help you meet your goals with less or equal risk.
Click here to request a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced advisors.
Will I have enough income to retire?
Enough income is dependent upon several factors such as the type of lifestyle you desire to have during retirement, the income you will require for housing, medical expenses, etc, and the methods you are using to save for your retirement goals. Our team of advisors can help determine if your current savings, retirement plans, and goals align successfully or if there are certain things you might want to consider adding/subtracting from your current plan. Don’t leave your retirement planning to chance. Ensure the best possible results by tapping the experience of our financial experts.
What can Confidence Wealth do for me?
We’re a team of experienced, licensed professionals with an array of expertise in financial planning services such as:
- retirement planning
- investments/portfolio analysis
- risk analysis
- maximizing your Social Security benefits
- tax-efficient strategies.
We specialize in lifetime income planning and asset protection utilizing appropriate conservative strategies that align with your risk profile and that will maximize income and minimize risk.

Why Choose Us?
Advanced Information
Our moral ethics will never be compromised for personal gain.
Advanced Connections
Our combined 45 years of experience and unwavering dedication surpasses our competitors.
Advanced Solutions
We speak business, never personal and we’ll go the extra mile for you.
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Would you like more information? Do you have a question?
Simply either;
- fill out the form
- give us a call at (310) 824-1000
- or email us at hello@MyConfidence.com
We’ll help you steer you in the right direction.