How much life insurance should I have?

In many cases, it’s different for every situation. It’s based on what you want to have protected. Do you want to cover just your mortgage? Do you want to be able to cover your children’s future? It’s dependent on what your needs and wants are. To go over the proper amount in which you need, call (310) 824-1000  or click here to have a quick conversation with our specialist.

Should I get a term or whole life?

First and foremost, term is life insurance that will only cover you for a certain time period (e.g. 10 years, 20 years, etc.). After that period expires, you will no longer be covered. Whole life is a form of insurance that’s permanent. You’re covered until the day you die. The variations of cost between the two are significantly different, so you need to consult a life insurance specialist to figure out what’s the most affordable with the right amount of coverage. Call (310) 824-1000  or click here to set up your analysis.

Do I need life insurance?

It depends on what you want to protect at different stages of your life. You might have significant debt that you would want to have covered during your working years. That might change when you’re retired. You might have enough in retirement assets for your beneficiaries, therefore not needing life insurance. It can also be a way to save for your retirement tax-free. It truly depends on your situation. Click here to have a conversation to see if you qualify for a free book, Patrick Kelly’s Tax-Free Retirement.

If you have a specific question that wasn’t answered above, feel free to give us a call at (310) 824-1000  and we’ll help you get the answer you’re looking for.

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