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We all have hopes, dreams, and goals. We imagine how great it would be to make them all real, but the hard truth is that without actually planning and taking action, our goals will stay daydreams.

PLJ Income - a goal without a plan is just a wish

However, there are thousands of women who are indeed capable of setting goals and achieving them. So, why should it be any different in your case?

Here’s another truth: you can turn your wishes into reality by action planning. Very few people make it because “they’re just lucky.” Most of the time, great amounts of creativity, perseverance, self-discipline, and positivity are involved in achieving satisfying lives. Having an action plan to follow allows you to focus on your goals and stay on the right track.

So, let’s get right down to it and see what you can do to make your goals happen.

Get real.

Yes, you are capable of designing and redesigning your life as you wish. Feel free to set your goals as high as you want to, but make sure to be realistic when you plan how to achieve them.

Let’s use one of the most common goals as an example: improving your financial status. Making a helpful action plan doesn’t involve simply declaring you want to be financially savvy or writing it down. Sure, those are important baby steps that can help you get clear about what you want and serve as reminders to go get it, but by no means is that a proper action plan.

What you should do:
Break down your main goal into several attainable little goals.

Planning to “improve financial status” is ambiguous, and it may take a long time. If you break it down into smaller goals such as “keep track of my spending habits,” “check my bank account balance once a week,” and “look for savings accounts,” it will help you stay on the right track and keep you motivated because you’ll see yourself taking action sooner.

Planning realistic mini-goals will also help you see that—no matter what your goal is—you can make it happen.


Most of us don’t just have one goal, but many. Trying to achieve all our goals at the same time while carrying on with our everyday activities can turn out to be very overwhelming.

That’s where prioritization comes in. Getting into the “first things first” state of mind is extremely important.

Time is the most valuable resource you’ve got, so reflect on how you spend it and evaluate if you’re making wise choices.

PLJ Income - Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important

What you should do:
Focus on what’s really important.

What’s really important to you? Do that first.

Otherwise, you’ll find yourself busy attending to common, everyday stuff (checking e-mail, binge-watching TV, common chores) and by the end of the day, you won’t have spent enough time on what really matters. Once you set your priorities straight, action planning won’t seem so difficult.

Plan from A to Z.

No matter how much positive thinking we practice and how much we plan ahead, sometimes things just don’t turn out the way we want. Most people tend to have a Plan B, in case things don’t work out perfectly, though not so many have a plan Z. That is, having a contingency plan for the absolute worst-case scenario. This may sound counterintuitive, but when you actually think and plan your way out of an undesirable outcome, you can reduce your stress levels.

What you should do:
Take a deep breath and start visualizing what can go wrong with Plan A.

After that, consider your options and have different, concise action plans. In all honesty, doing this can be a bit unpleasant, but once you’re finished, you’ll be prepared for whatever may come. Planning from A to Z will make you feel like you’ve got things together.

Review your progress.

Once you’ve set your heart and mind on a goal, it’s relatively easy to feel motivated and take action.

Let’s say you’ve been saving up some money because that’s your goal. What would happen if you didn’t keep an exact record of your expenses? How much exactly are you saving and what did you give up to save it? What are you planning to do with your savings and how far are you from that “bigger” goal?

If you find yourself unable to answer these questions, you’ll be lacking motivation within a couple of days – no matter how good your intentions may be.

What you should do:
Keep track of your progress.

Review how far you are from your goal and answer the tough questions as needed. If there’s something else you should be doing to move forward, schedule it and do it.

On the other hand, keeping track of your progress will let you know if you’re moving closer to achieving what you want. When that happens, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.


Wishes require imagination and excitement; goals require commitment.

Motivation and passion won’t always be at an all-time high; that’s why when you truly want something, you’ve got to commit.

Make a promise to yourself, a friend, or the universe: whatever it takes to hold yourself accountable and take responsibility for your own actions.

What you should do:
Find a balance.

There will inevitably be days when you just won’t have the energy or time to take that next step in your action plan. Talk yourself through the rough patches from a loving place, instead of thinking that you won’t be able to accomplish what you want and how much easier it would be to drop everything and stay in your comfort zone.

Remember that you’ve made a commitment and honor your word. Don’t let stress or fear get the best of you. Instead, if you’re feeling lousy, take a no-guilt break to recharge and carry on.

There are no big secrets or magic tricks when it comes to achieving your goals. There’s just a lot of hard work and planning involved. So don’t wait any longer and design a proper plan that allows you to take action.

You are perfectly capable of turning wishes into goals and goals into realities.

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