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It’s great to set goals and plan for the future because it gives us clarity and something to fight for. From the right perspective, goals are like fuel that makes us run and get to our dream destination.

But we often forget that we have to start that journey now, in the present. Otherwise, those goals would stay far away in some kind of dreamland.

Nobody knows what the future holds, so it’s right now, this very moment, that gives us the opportunity not only to look forward to the future but also to enjoy the journey.

True, we can’t completely control what’s yet to come, but we can control our habits. Creating (and sticking to) healthy habits will help us close the gap between what we have and what we want.

PLJ Income - You don’t decide your future. You decide your habits and your habits decide your future

This is all about taking action in the present moment, so without further introduction, let’s get to it.

Here are 10 healthy habits that will improve your life.

1. Move around.

This is an oldie but goodie. Just about every list of healthy living or “how to be happy” guide encourages you to exercise frequently. And it’s true. Our bodies are meant to move. So if you don’t workout already, just stand up and stretch more frequently, or create a list with your favorite songs to dance to. Movement and exercise are proven health and mood boosters. Physical activity is definitely a great way to improve your life.

2. Get out more.

Outdoor activities are fun, usually involve physical effort, and give us a chance to live different experiences. Granted, having lazy days is great, and there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t have them. However, staying in every day can lessen your creativity and make you cranky. Always try to incorporate outdoor activities that make you want to jump of the sofa at least twice a week.

3. Make your bed.

This might sound strange, but making your bed and your bedroom a clean, inviting space can actually make you sleep better. Studies have proven that a well-made bed is an important part of the sleep process. Good sleeping habits are so important for one’s health, this simple little trick turns out to be an essential habit for our wellbeing.

4. Limit your social media time.

No surprise here, right? Social media offers us a chance to connect with loved ones and limitless information, but let’s not kid ourselves — it can just as easily lead us into a hole of procrastination and comparison games that results in hours of just scrolling through meaningless images. In order for you to focus on your goals, setting a specific amount of “social media time” is a great habit that’ll give you more time to yourself.

5. Do first things first.

Forget about multi-tasking! Give your all to the things you want to do. Concentrate and do the best you can. Whether you achieve the expected results or not, you’ll still have a sense of fulfillment if you know deep down that you really tried to conquer something. Why wouldn’t you give 100 percent of your attention to the things that matter to you? Prioritize and act accordingly. A handy little trick to this is to pick the most important task or chore you have to do, and do it first thing after breakfast. That way, your mind will be less cluttered throughout the day.

6. Meditate.

Meditation is a really powerful tool; it benefits the mind, body, and soul. And one of its greatest qualities is that it doesn’t have to be complicated at all. Although there are many types of meditations, you could just opt for closing your eyes and practicing some deep, conscious breathing. If you want to set the mood, you could buy an aromatherapy candle and put soothing music on. Just remember, meditation is a break from the fast-paced, stressful world we live in, so don’t worry about whether you’re using a fancy technique or if you’re doing it right. As long as it helps you unwind, you’ll be fine.

7. Communicate.

No matter who you are, you have people who care about you. Communicate with them. Treasure your friends and family. Sometimes, we can be so caught up doing “urgent” stuff, we forget that relationships and communication don’t grow all of a sudden; we need to take care of them. Make the habit of keeping in touch with the people who care for you and whom you care about.

8. Keep track of your finances.

Having financial instability is a common source of anxiety and frustration, and that obviously takes a toll on your overall health. Keeping track of your finances is not only a smart habit that can make you become (or continue to be) financially independent, but it’s also good for your health and relationships. If you’re currently struggling with your finances or have been in that position, you know how frustrating it can be. Don’t wait any longer; take control of your economic situation.

9. Get comfortable with yourself.

You’re never truly alone if you learn how to be comfortable with yourself. Learn to enjoy quiet moments in your own company, and your mood will improve. Become friends with yourself, and you’ll see a difference in your life.

10. Reward your efforts.

This is the habit that will make you stick to other habits: reward yourself. You don’t have to practice all these habits at the same time; tackle them one by one and give yourself an A for effort.

Let’s say you went jogging three days in a week. You could take the sour route and think about how you could have gone jogging every weekday if you had just woken up a little earlier — or you could take the encouraging route and congratulate yourself because you actually did something good for your mind and body when you could’ve just stayed in bed.

Don’t be perfect. Nobody is. Focus on your efforts and reward them. That’s how you stick to good habits.

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