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During hard times, it’s easy to become bitter. You have two choices at this junction in your life.

You can become bitter, or you can become better.

PLJ Income - You either get bitter or you get better

Let’s face it; bitterness is often an easier road.

It’s easier to sit and feel sorry for yourself. It’s easier to dwell on the negative things about yourself and your life. It’s easier to allow yourself to sink into despair. Most of all, it’s easier to seek the attention you’ve lost by encouraging others to pity you. Eventually though, others lose interest.

Alternatively, you can choose to become better. Becoming better is a far healthier option.

Becoming better is a great way to toss back the curve ball life has thrown you. Becoming better means seizing the opportunity for change. Becoming better means welcoming a new you.

With a new you, you can rebuild your life

Starting over has so many benefits. Today is the perfect day to begin. You’ve spent the past years wearing shades of gray, now it’s time to embrace color.

Release any regret over former mistakes; embrace the life lessons they taught you.

Going through hard times is not a setback; it’s an opportunity.

Assess what you like about your life and what you want to change. Compromise no longer rules you. All those things you denied yourself are still there. You can have them. Nothing is holding you back.

You have a clean slate.

Make over your attitude

Don’t waste time dwelling on the past

Let go of the past. Slash negativity from your thoughts. Just because others disappointed you doesn’t mean you have to let their actions drag you down. Turn negatives into positives by focusing on what you’ve learned.

Choose to forgive those who have hurt you. Although they did not have the right to hurt you, dwelling on the things they’ve done will only hold you back.

You don’t need to talk to them to forgive them. You don’t owe them that. They will have to come to terms with what they’ve done on their own—that’s not your issue.

But you do owe yourself the opportunity to move forward.

Remember, forgiving does not mean forgetting; it only means releasing any bitterness that restrains you.

Once you make a conscious decision to be better, you can shed the negativity of the past. Gone are the destructive and depressing thoughts that have long held you hostage. Over time you will become a new person.

Celebrate the chance for a do-over

Use positive thoughts to chase away the negative ones.

Write out your hopes and dreams. The future is yours. Be thankful you finally have an opportunity for a do over.
If you find yourself struggling, smile. Yes, that’s right, smile. Smiling helps you keep your momentum. Smile through the tears. Smile through the pain. Whatever you do, keep smiling. It takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown. Studies show the act of smiling actually makes you feel better.

Treat yourself to new things

Indulge yourself. You took care of everything for so long you forgot how to live on your own.

Give yourself permission to do what you want to do. Gone are the days when you had to worry about someone else’s opinion.

Change your wardrobe. Try new make up. Have a yard sale and get rid of your old stuff. Then, go buy new things. Select only the things that make you feel good about yourself.

Try new things

Make a list of everything at which you excel. There are more than you think. Include the small things. Are you good at gardening? Can you cut an amazing snowflake out of a piece of paper? Are you a good friend? Write down the things you would like to be good at but never had the time for, and then figure out how to get there.

Find new hobbies. Start by listing the things that have made up your daily routine. Replace that list with a list of things you want to try. It’s that simple.

Get moving. Take a class you’ve always wanted to take. Introduce yourself to new people. Spend quality girl time going out for coffee, lunch, or dinner.

Mix things up. Avoid things and routines that were part of your previous life. They might spark haunting memories. Today is only the here and now.

Make over your surroundings

Do that one thing you’ve always wanted to do to your home. You know what I’m talking about. Repaint. Redecorate. Move furniture. Toss that ugly couch. You’ll find it freeing to finally make those changes you’ve always wanted.
Change rooms around and change your bedding. In fact, change your bed. Move into another bedroom, or move the furnishings around in the room that you’re in. It’s amazing how much impact this one simple step can have.

Make over your finances

Now is your time to shine. Rebuild your credit one account at a time. Focus on learning to budget by writing out your goals, and your dreams. Keep a journal to track your spending.

Decide on your financial goals.

Then, make it happen. Celebrate your small victories by rewarding yourself. Hot fudge sundae anyone?

Focus forward

When you focus on the bitter, you inhibit your ability to enjoy life. Forgive the past and remember that without this experience you wouldn’t be the woman you are today. Instead of being angry, be thankful for the fresh start. Today you can do anything you want.

You’re in charge.

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