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Being stuck (whether it’s in a dreadful routine, a toxic relationship, or unhealthy habits) manifests differently for everyone, but it doesn’t go unnoticed. Slowly but surely, you start feeling bored, anxious, frustrated, and even empty among many other equally unpleasant feelings. In other words, if you’re stuck, you know it… even if you can’t bring yourself to admit it out loud.

PLJ Income - The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any

You need to free yourself from that feeling, because the longer you stay caught in that web, the harder it’ll be to get out of it.

Feeling stuck often happens when you either don’t have a clue about what to do with your life, or when you know exactly what you want, but you don’t quite know how to make it happen. These may seem like opposite reasons, but actually, they both come from the same place: fear and insecurity.

When you start listening to fear’s little voice inside your head that only reminds you of your failures and flaws, it starts taking over. Turn its volume down and do everything you can to ignore it.

Fear and other feelings of inadequacy have a purpose; they try to protect us from outside danger. It’s completely normal to have those feelings… but you’ve got to know when to listen and when to move on. Don’t let fear and insecurity keep you stuck.

Of course, all of this is much easier said than done. Here are five steps you can take to build yourself up and get unstuck.

1. Change your perception.

Honestly, you might not even be as stuck as you think you are. Things can get us down, but at the end of the day, we have to remind ourselves how lucky we are and how much we have. Dedicate some time every day to this activity.

You can start right now. Go ahead and count your blessings. Start by being grateful for everything we usually take for granted: being alive, having a roof over of our heads and a bed to sleep on. Then, move on to other things like having people who care about you. List everything you can think of and that you are genuinely grateful for.

Gratitude is a proven way to make you feel relaxed. It changes your perception by making you focus on what you have instead of what you don’t.

2. Take care of your personal and financial well-being.

Once you’re stuck, it becomes awfully easy to lose yourself because you don’t have enough energy or motivation. Don’t let this happen. You deserve to take care of yourself.

Make sure you sleep and eat properly and never self-medicate. Taking care of your well-being is a sign of self-love and confidence. Don’t neglect your body and mind. You owe it to yourself.

Evaluate your financial well-being as well. All sorts of other problems stem from financial issues, so it’s very important that you know how to be financially fit. This will really give you some much-needed peace of mind.

If you don’t already know, learn how savings and investment accounts work and get yourself acquainted with some basic economics. Take care of yourself in all areas. You’ll be thankful for it.

3. Do something productive… now.

Start with something small like going for a walk, cleaning up, or simply getting out of your pajamas and putting on your favorite outfit. Don’t wait for a special occasion… after all, what could be more special than taking care of yourself?

Once you’ve done a seemingly small but productive task, do something you enjoy but that also challenges you. Get that recipe right, call that old high school friend just to catch up, paint, draw, color, make a donation to a charity of your choice, create a blog… there are endless possibilities.

Being productive takes your mind away from fear and speculation, and at the same time, it helps you to get things done. Start with something small (or big, if you’d like) but please start now.

No excuses allowed.

4. Practice some introspection.

Everything happens for a reason. Why are you feeling this way? What is it that you’re really craving?

Introspection doesn’t have to be hard if you do it your way, and it’ll help you get to the root of your problems. Do anything that resonates with you and allows you to get to know your inner thoughts and feelings. Maybe it’s chanting some mantras, practicing yoga, or having an “enjoy the silence” moment in the middle of your day. It’s up to you.

Give yourself the time to practice some introspection so that you’re able to hear the other “voices” within you, and not just the mean, fearful one.

Whatever it is that gets you in that soul-searching mood, make sure to challenge yourself and try to see the same issue from several points of view. When you’re stuck, it’s extremely hard to look at things from different perspectives. Challenge yourself and realize that neither your actions nor your thoughts have to be black and white. There are always more options.

5. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Comparing yourself to others will leave you feeling exhausted. If you’re constantly thinking about what others do and measure your own triumphs in comparison to theirs, you’re going to remain stuck.

Why? By picturing others happily achieving their goals and becoming successful, you’re chasing an unattainable idea of perfection. Do not confuse someone’s social media profile or magazine cover pictures with their entire lives. There’s no such thing as perfection, and we all make mistakes.

When you stop comparing yourself to others, you’ll feel free to live your own life and follow your path at the pace you’re supposed to.

If taking a peek into someone else’s life inspires you, then by all means, go ahead and use it to motivate you. But otherwise, avoid the all-too-common comparison game. It’s not easy, but it is necessary for your happiness.

It is possible to get unstuck. Follow these steps and make the wise decision to believe that you can improve your life.

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