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We all have a vision of our ideal self—an image of the perfect life. It’s different for everyone.

Some want to explore nature and reconnect with Mother Earth. Others want to impact people’s lives through artistic work, such as creating a painting or writing a novel.  Still others may want the freedom to travel around the world.

Whatever your vision is, it manifests your innermost desires and passions. Don’t ignore it. Don’t let yourself get caught up in mindless distractions. Don’t tell yourself you’re too busy.

PLJ Income - When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
Transforming your vision into reality begins with investing time in yourself.

Spoiler alert: It’s worth it.

Author and entrepreneur, Chris Guillebeau, gives us a sneak-peak on what it takes to become a master of one’s vision. In his book Born for This, Guillebeau explores how to create a successful career. According to Guillebeau, successful, fulfilled people have three common traits: joy, money, and flow.

These characteristics can also guide us on how to make our ideal lives a reality.

Question yourself: How are joy, money, and flow demonstrated in your life?

– Joy

Which of your daily activities gives you joy? If this was a no-brainer, great! You’re lucky. But if you struggle to find joy, you must rethink your daily life.

You deserve joy. What can you include in your routine to spark up your day?

You don’t have to make drastic changes. Sign up for dancing lessons. Write a thank you note. Grow flowers or herbs. Take part in your favorite charity. The possibilities are endless. Joy is everywhere. It’s up to you to add more of it to your life.

When you do the small things, joy creeps in to each day.

Doing the things you love will energize you and inspire others to do the same.

Joy starts you down the path to your vision. Imagine what a difference joy can make!

However, the truth is that you don’t have to wait for your vision to become a reality to be happy. Start to appreciate things as they are right now and you’ll be closer to that ideal picture without even noticing it.

– Money

Let’s keep things real. You need financial stability to keep your body and mind healthy.

But you may not yet have it. Money can be an obstacle for many people (and usually they struggle in silence, which puts even more weight on their back). It’s easy to blame money for an inability to do the things you want. While it may be a genuine excuse, it is a fixable one.

If you struggle with money, ask yourself: What can I do to make my vision financially sustainable?

Before you can find fulfillment, you need to get your finances in order. That means getting rid of debt and learning how to manage your income. You need enough money both to live comfortably and save for that inevitable rainy day.

Determination and planning are key to resolving money issues. We’ve found that with some minor adjustments, you easily can improve or fix money problems. If you’re struggling with financial management, we can help.

– Flow

Guillebeau defines flow as the things you do naturally well.  Think about it. What do people compliment you on? What is effortless for you?

The things you do well can underline and shape your vision. When you do something well, you become immersed in the flow of the task. As you fall into the flow, you become more relaxed and confident in yourself and your abilities.

Challenge yourself to find your flow. Bake some treats. Cheer someone up. Choose the perfect gift. Sing on pitch. It doesn’t matter what it is, just let it flow. After you’ve done the activity, take a couple of minutes and think about how it made you feel. Don’t you want these feelings more often? How can you bring flow to your everyday life and activities?

When you test your life by looking for joy, money, and flow, you’ll find your vision. Combining these three characteristics nourishes your soul and polishes your skills and talents. Feeling good about yourself and your capabilities is the key to unlocking the doors that stand in your way.

Tomorrow comes today

Of course there will be bumps in the road. We’re the first to admit that life can get hard. But if you take an active role in mastering these characteristics, you will have the tools to tackle whatever comes your way.

Avoid energy leaks like doing things that bore, stress, or frustrate you. Don’t forget to stop and enjoy the moment. Working on your future now doesn’t mean you should ignore the present.

Make the best of your days. Have fun discovering what the right combination of joy, money and flow feels like for you. You can transform your vision into reality as long as you’re willing to experiment and invest in yourself.

Ditch fear and self-doubt by focusing on what you have and the positive things you’ve contributed.

This is the message we’d like to transmit: it’s possible for you to create the life you want.

Start now. You have more options than you think.
Transform your vision into reality.

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