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Usually we start a new year with a mind full of resolutions and a heart full of hope. As time passes, we realize that the year is not so new anymore and maybe even worse, things aren’t looking so new either. It ends up being the same as the year before and that “to-do” list is still waiting to be crossed out.

It happens to all of us. We tend to stick to old routines and old feelings—sometimes out of habit and other times out of fear.

Here’s some good news though: it doesn’t have to be like that.

You don’t have to feel bad if you didn’t start your resolutions on January 1st, or if you skipped your Monday workout. There isn’t any rule on when you need to take charge of your own life and feel accomplished.

You can do all those things that your mind and soul are asking for right now. Right here and now is what matters, so make this year, your year… right now.

Don’t wait for life’s opportunities to present themselves on a silver platter; create your own luck instead.

There’s this short but meaningful letter going around online:

Quote - Dear Self, This is going to be your year. Dust yourself off and get started. Love, Me.

It may seem simple but take a second look. Read it to yourself and be mindful of its words. It’s a love letter that acknowledges the power you have to turn your whole year around. If you’re skeptical of the impact simple words and affirmations can have on your whole outlook towards life, look a little deeper.

In fact, let’s break down the meaning of that deceivingly simple letter and uncover its empowering message.

Be kind to yourself

How you talk to yourself matters. Your inner-voice matters. Cultivate it and let it kindly guide you. Between thinking “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. I’m going to own it” and thinking “What’s the point? I’ve failed once before” there’s a world of difference. In fact, self-affirmations have been proven to calm people’s nerves and, as a result, it allows them to perform better throughout the day.

You may not always be able to control your thoughts and emotions; however, that doesn’t mean that you can’t do your best to try. Start your day with some self-love and remind yourself that you’re capable of facing life’s challenges, because deep down, you know you are.

Treat yourself kindly, like you would treat and speak to a dear friend, and you’ll quickly notice a positive difference in your attitude.

As author Steve Maraboli wisely put it: “The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.”

Get clear on what you want

“This is going to be your year” can mean something different for everybody. What exactly would make this your year?

Take a moment and get really honest with yourself. What would you like to accomplish this year? And, more importantly, how do you want to feel? Give these questions some thoughtful minutes and the answers will come to you. Don’t force this process though. If you’re not feeling quite on the right mind space, sleep on it.

The important thing here is to get clear on what you want.

More good news: you already know what you want and desire. Give yourself permission to find out what exactly will make this year your year and own it.

You know what they say… “It’s better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than at the top of the one you don’t.”

Take action.

Action is the key word in all of this. It’s important to know what you want to achieve and how you want to feel, but ultimately, all the self-affirmations, wish lists and meditation practices won’t amount to anything if you don’t take action.

A lot of people wait until they feel ready to start doing whatever they set their minds on. And really, who could blame them? It’s a common misconception to think that until you’re fully inspired and prepared, you can’t start tackling your goals and dreams. The hard truth is that, most of the time, it’s the other way around. By taking action, you become experienced and inspired.

Do you want to achieve financial freedom? Budget now and start getting rid of debt instead of waiting for a sudden income increase. Do you want to be fit and healthy? Work out now and start eating healthy right this moment instead of waiting for Monday to “start the week right.”

Whatever it is you want, take that first step. In the words of author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar: “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

So dust yourself off and get started.

Speaking of starting things up, it’s time for a little challenge: write your own letter. Whether you’re reading this during a mini-break from a hectic day or during a lazy web-surfing afternoon, open up a file or go get a pen and write yourself a kind letter that inspires you to take action.

Follow the steps we mentioned or add in a couple of your own steps. It doesn’t have to be long and it doesn’t have to be difficult. It just has to be honest and kind.


Write it. Read it. Mean it. Finish your challenge by taking a really deep breath.
Surely, you’ll notice a difference in your mood because words truly matter. Let your words inspire action.

As a final note, remember to stay motivated. You better believe that your words and actions matter (because they do), but, even if that’s already the case, you may find yourself struggling from time to time. Life just likes to throw us some curve balls once in a while.

So, whenever you feel cluttered and confused about how to achieve what you want, find motivation within yourself by rediscovering what you truly desire with our three steps: Be kind to yourself. Get clear on what you want. Take action.

Or… write an empowering love letter that reminds you this is going to be your year.

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